воскресенье, 30 июня 2013 г.

Attention, followers!

My dearest followers!
Google Reader is closing from the 1st of July, and so you will lose or your followers and blogs you read. But that problem has a solution. You can start reading me with Bloglovin, just by pushing the button on the left! I hope you will stay with me no matter  what, because I love every follower that reads my blog! I appreciate that a lot, so please, come and join my blog on Bloglovin!

Thank you so much!

Дорогие читатели!
Google Reader закрывается 1 июля, то есть уже завтра, поэтому вы потеряете всех своих читателей и блоги, которые вы читаете. Однако у этой проблемы есть решение. Вы можете начать читать меня (а также другие блоги) через Bloglovin, всего лишь нажав кнопку слева! Я надеюсь, вы останетесь со мной несмотря ни на что, потому что я люблю каждого, кто читает мой блог! Я очень ценю это, поэтому пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь ко мне на Bloglovin!

Спасибо большое!

your Marie

суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.

June's favorites!

Hello there!
The weather in LV is quite disappointing now, it's been two days with 18-20 degrees. I can hardly call this summer, so I had to get all my jeans, sweaters and parkas again. :D Fortunately, I won't be here in two weeks, so I can keep calm about the bad-weathered-summer, it won't touch on me. But I'll tell about it a bit later, one thing I can mention - it will be a very very big big trip to the south. So, today I've prepared for you a post, dedicated to my June favorites! This month those are only cosmetics, but, I hope, in July they will be a little more different. Let us start! 

Добрый вечер!
Погода в Латвии разочаровывает, вот уже который день столбик термометра не поднимается выше 20 градусов. С трудом можно назвать это летом, зато можно и нужно доставать свои немного более теплые вещи, чем короткие шорты, юбки и майки. К счастью, через две недели я сяду в самолет и полечу в южном направлении, поэтому холодное лето меня не будет касаться. Но об этом позже :D Сегодня я приготовила пост о июньских фаворитах. В этот раз среди них только косметика, но, я надеюсь, в следующем месяце они будут чуть более разнообразными. Начнем!

четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

Some snow in the middle of the summer

Hey there!
It's another photoshoot post, so I won't speak very much. I just want to say a huge thanks to my model - Snezhana. I was shooting her the first, but she did amazing! So, here's the result. The only thing that is not so good is that there wasn't any idea in this shoot, it was like a friendly walk with taking pictures. But it didn't spoil the snapshots, did it?

понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

Everybody needs inspiration!

Hello everybody!
I bet all of you have people who inspire you - movie stars or singers, fashion designers or models, bloggers or videobloggers, or, maybe, your classmates, teachers, members of the family. So do I. I have several inspirational people - people, who make me want to change something, to do something, to create. And today I'd like to tell you about them. So, make sure you got comfortable, get some tea plus cookies and let's start!

Доброго времени суток !
Я уверена, у всех из вас есть люди, которые вас вдохновляют - звезды кино или певцы, дизайнеры или модели, блоггеры или видеоблоггеры, а может быть ваши одноклассники, учителя, члены семьи. У меня также есть несколько людей-вдохновителей - людей, которые побуждают меня менять что-либо, делать что-либо, создавать что-либо. И сегодня я расскажу вам о них. Устраивайтесь поудобнее, мы начинаем!

четверг, 13 июня 2013 г.

Summer in the city

Aloha my dearest friends! 
Today was the most summerish day of those two weeks, which already have passed. The weather is finally alright and I have plenty of opportunities to spend my free time in the town with friends! And so I did today. I've finally met Kristina, we literally haven't seen each other for ages! We had a wonderful walk, took some pictures, and, of course, we had some pizza and ice coffee! :D It was so nice not to feel cold and not to feel very hot! You might think I'm obsessed with the weather, but it really feels so great after a very cold and a very long winter! So, now, I suppose, it's time for photos! Today I'm gonna show some kind of outfit, which is pretty good for summer, and also very comfortable!

Привет всем!
По заявкам читателей теперь буду писать на двух языках, дабы не создавать сложностей перевода в аудитории. Погода наконец-таки наладилась, а значит появилась масса возможностей проводить свободное время в городе в компании друзей! Поэтому я поспешила воспользоваться одной из них сегодня. Я наконец встретилась с Кристиной, с которой мы не виделись очень долго. Мы чудесно прогулялись, нафотографировали, и, конечно же, съели пиццу, запивая ее холодным кофе! Я очень рада тому, что сейчас не приходится чувствовать ни бешеный холод, ни адскую жару. Возможно, я слишком много внимания уделяю погоде, но я не могу не делиться впечатлениями после длинной и холодной зимы! А теперь, время фотографий! Сегодня на мне очень удобный для лета outfit.

вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.


Hey guys!
I bet most of you have such thing as Instagram.
So I just came over to tell you about mine. It's called jumponspaceship, oh, and yeah, here it is:
You also can find it by clicking on the pictures which are right on the left, on the top of the column!
Come and follow me, I'd be glad!

Have a nice week!
I promise to come back soon!

xoxo Marie

воскресенье, 9 июня 2013 г.

The Great Gatsby: Review of the Costumes.

Hey there once again!
Did you miss me? Haha, just kidding. :D Today I don't have any new photos, but I'm here to talk about the absolute bestseller in the last few weeks - the movie called "The Great Gastby", starring Leonardo di Caprio and Tobey Maguire. As soon as I've heard of it, I decided to read the book first. You know how they say, books are always better than movies, because our imagination doesn't have any limits. Even though I'm not a fan of 19th century literature (in our case, it's the beginning of the 20th century), I liked this book a lot. Now I'm able to say that this is one of my favorite books, actually. After my conscience was finally clear, I decided to watch the movie. To say "I liked it" means not to say anything. But let's start from the beginning. 
At first, the movie made very dual impression, thanks to the soundtrack with the participation of Jay-Z, Kanye West, Fergie etc. The parties also seemed a bit unreal, I mean, very similar to the parties we have nowadays. But everything in complex was so bright, so amazing, so impressive, and at the same time, it wasn't unreasonable. Everything was connected, and I have to admit, this time the movie was very close to the book. I gave the special attention to how characters were dressed. And what I saw didn't disappoint or upset me at all. Costumes for the movie were made by Miuccia Prada. As for me (and not only me) she did a very very good job, because costumes had the main role in creating the atmosphere of 20's. Miuccia was inspired by Fitzgerald works and by her own archives. Well, let's take a closer look. 

Sketches by Miuccia Prada. 

Prada was working in collaboration with Catherine Martin, the costume designer of "The Great Gatsby". Baz Luhrmann invited Prada to design clothes for his new film because of aspiration for making classics more modren, which they both have in common. Dresses which were made for the movie were quite "realistic" and similar to those, which were worn in 20's, but still, they all have a little bit of modernity, which makes audience perceive them much better. For example, Carey Mulligan's crystal dress. It wasn't made just like that, women wore clothes like this in the beginning of the 20th century. But we also can find similar things in our shops, too. This is what makes costumes very unique. 
About a month ago Prada opened an exhibition at Lincoln Center in New York named Catherine Martin and Miuccia Prada Dress Gatsby, where were present most of the dresses, which were worn in the movie. Here are some photos, which represent the exhibits.

Do you remember those from the movie? I do! Seems like Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker visited the exhibition themselves! 
"The Great Gatsby" is not only a very beautiful movie, but also a movie, which has lots of things to think about. But usually, watching movie means relaxing, so, I suppose, the creators decided to ease heavy thoughts with beautiful interiors, beautiful faces and beautiful dresses. The main thing is that principal idea isn't lost behind all this gloss. It's seen even more clearly. If you haven't seen "The Great Gatsby" yet, go to the cinema, immediately! You won't regret about the spent time, I promise. 

четверг, 6 июня 2013 г.

The first summer photoshoot

Hey guys!
The first week of summer has almost passed, and I have to admit, it was much better than I was imagining. A few days ago I finally "shooted" a girl named Anna Maria, and the result surprised me - I didn't expect such a good snapshots, thank to my model! So, here are some photos, I hope you'll like them!

I wonder how we could create two completely different characters with minimum changes of clothes and hairstyle, without changing makeup, basing on the model's gesture only. It was a great experience to work with her. It wasn't the first time I was shooting her, but, certainly, this time was much more productive and much better. 

If you're interested in photoshoots and you would to have one, contact me on Facebook: 
You also can send me an e-mail:
Or leave or contacts here, in comments, and I will get in touch with you!

Hope you liked this post! Share your opinions in comments below! 
See you very soon!

xoxo Marie

воскресенье, 2 июня 2013 г.


Summer has finally come, and something interesting is upcoming in my blog, so stay with me, but for now I'd like to share with you some random photos, just to be sure that waiting won't take so long. Enjoy your holidays and have a sunny summer!

xoxo Marie